Foxglove is a kind of pink tubular flower which derived its name from old English belief that foxes slipped into these flowers to sneak up on their prey!
Ancient Egyptians considered lotus a sacred flower and used them in burial rituals. The interesting thing about lotus is that even though it blooms in swamps and wetlands, it can lie dormant for years during times of drought and bloom again when water returns. The Egyptians thought this as symbolizing the resurrection of life.
Titan Arum are the world’s largest flower and is almost 10 feet in height. Due to its horrible smell of rotten flesh, it is also known as corpse flower.
All sizes | France, Sunflowers Missing the Sun at Beynac | Flickr - Photo Sharing! The scientific name for sunflowers is helianthus. "Helia" means sun and "anthus" is another word for flower. Sunflowers first grew in North America more than 1,000 years ago and were an important food for Native Americans. People from other countries like Spain took some back to Europe with them, and now they are grown in many other countries as well. Sunflower seeds are used for many products besides just being eaten as they are. The oil is removed from them to cook with or to be added to other foods, and the shelled seeds are added to breads, cereals and trail mixes.
Centaurea cyanus (Cornflower, Bachelor's button, Basket flower, Bluebottle, Boutonniere flower, Hurtsickle) is a small annual flowering plant in the family Asteraceae, native to Europe.
These large Daisy like flowers come in bright shades of yellow and orange. The plant is native to southern Africa. - See more at:
Hydrangeas thrive in a moist, but well-drained soil, in a cool, semi-shady part of the garden. Try to avoid exposed east-facing sites, where cold winds may damage young spring growth, and also avoid dry, sunny spots
Most grape hyacinths are so reliable and undemanding that they are taken for granted. They need no special care and, once planted, will flower and spread freely, so that division may be necessary every few years. This is a vigorous species with attractive bright blue flower spikes in spring.
Magnoliopsida or dicotyledons is the name of a class of plants in taxonomy . They are also called dicots. It is the biggest group of flowering plants . Seedlings in this group have two seed leaves . Monocots have one seed leaf.
Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air. (Quote by - Georges Bernanos)
Bird of Paradise is the common name for this flower as it looks much like the bird of the same name. The plant is native to South Africa where it is called the Crane Flower and appears on the reverse side of the 50 cent coin. - See more at: Bird of Paradise is the common name for this flower as it looks much like the bird of the same name. The plant is native to South Africa where it is called the Crane Flower and appears on the reverse side of the 50 cent coin. - See more at: Bird of Paradise is the common name for this flower as it looks much like the bird of the same name. The plant is native to South Africa where it is called the Crane Flower and appears on the reverse side of the 50 cent coin. - See more at: